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Round table: Advanced data management for value creation Forum: Advanced data management for value creation
Last week (6th May) we discussed with four national companies to figure out how we can better help each other. With the collaboration of HeartGenetics, SilicoLife, Sogrape and SPAROS, and all other companies who participated, we initiated a process of approximation that we hope will translate into
Cool Tools for Science poster
Cool Tools for Science - User Innovation
Dear Researcher in Life Sciences, Have you ever created a customized solution for your research? A software? A gadget? A life-changing protocol?
Painel de oradores Forum Empresas: gestão avançada de dados para a criação de valor
Saiba mais sobre o painel de oradores no Forum Empresas: gestão avançada de dados para a criação de valor Registe-se aqui Ana Portugal Melo Directora Executiva do e Adjunta do Head of Node do Elixir. Bióloga, doutora em Ciências Biomédicas e pós-graduada em Gestão
Miguel Teixeira and Pedro Fernandes at IST Bioengineering week
BioData @ IST Bioengineering Week
This past Monday members, Pedro Fernandes (GTPB/IGC) and Miguel Teixeira (IBB) were part of the AbracaDATA panel at Insituto Superior Técnico's Bioengineering Week.
BioDataPT members gathered around a table for the technical meeting
ELIXIR Portuguese Node - Technical Meeting 20th Feb, Univ. Minho, Braga, Portugal
The Technical meeting of the ELIXIR Portuguese Node-, took place on the past 20thof February in Braga, next to the Bioinformatics Open Days (BOD) event, with 28 participants from the node partners.
Poster presentations by Miguel Cardoso and Cirenia Baldrich @ BOD - POSTERS, 22nd Feb., Univ. Minho, Braga
The joined the 3rd day of the Bioinformatics Open Days with some poster’s presentation about some of the latest works in this infrastructure. Some of the researchers had the opportunity to present their work and participate in BOD activities during the day in the scope of the
Special Session @ BOD
Special Session @ BOD, 21st Feb, Univ. Minho, Braga
In the scope of Bioinformatics Open Days, the organized a Special Session about the distributed Portuguese Infrastructure of Biological Data, which serves the national scientific system in its strategies and research programs.
Wine and Vineyard: Bioinformatics challenges
Wine and Vineyard: Bioinformatics challenges discussed in BOD, 20th Feb, Univ. Minho, Braga
At the same day of the Technical Meeting, last Wednesday in the afternoon, had some distinctive guests that develop Wine and Wineyard R&D from institutions and companies such as: IBET; INIAV; SOGRAPE; UTAD (Univ. Trás os Montes e Alto Douro), Faculdade de Ciências (Univ. Lisboa
2nd Technical Meeting
2nd Technical Meeting – 20th Feb, Univ. Minho, Braga
On Wednesday (20thFeb.), took place the second Technical Meeting with 30 participants representing all the Work Groups. and IGC (GTPB) run a pilot experiment in training and the Gulbenkian Training Program in Bioinformatics (GTPB) have completed a four day long training experiment. The objectives were 1) to test new training material on programming in Python 3.7; 2) To deliver the content in a flipped-classroom environment. The course material has been
TPDL2018 Multi-Domain RDM Workshop
From the 10 th to the 13 th of September, members of the team attended the TPDL 2018 conference that took place at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. João Cardoso presented a short communication on the ELIXIR Project during the Multi-domain Research Data Management
ELIXIR All Hands 2018
The ELIXIR All Hands 2018 meeting took place in Berlin, June 4-7, 2018, gathering together members of all ELIXIR nodes from across Europe. ELIXIR PT in particular was represented by 10 of its members. The face-to-face meetings from the EXCELERATE work packages on June 4th were very productive