About Us
Who We Are
BioData.pt is a Research Infrastructure distributed and dedicated to data management in the fields of life and health sciences. This infrastructure has been part of the National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) since 2013. Additionally, it is responsible for managing the Portuguese node of the European ELIXIR network (European Life Sciences Infrastructure for Biological Information), a reference in the ESFRI network (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures).
In 2023, BioData.pt was approved as the Portuguese Node for the Federated European Genome-Phenome Archive (FEGA), a distributed network of repositories for sharing biomedical sensitive research data.
Our Organisation
BioData.pt is overseen by the General Assembly, composed by the legal representatives of its associates.
The Administration Council is responsible for managing BioData.pt.
The External Advisory Board is composed of 3-5 external experts providing regular assessment and advice to the technical and scientific activities of BioData.pt.
The Fiscal Council oversees BioData.pt accounting.
The ELIXIR PT Head of Node leads the Portuguese Node of ELIXIR and ensures the fullfilment of its commitment before the European ELIXIR consortium.
The operational branch of BioData.pt is organised in three categories:
Gather researchers that identify gaps in data management, tools and computing resources in different life science domains (e.g. plants, microbiotechnology, sea and health).
support communities to fill the gaps, creating new services and training modules.
Developed and maintained by BioData.pt for the national and international R&I community.
Our Mission
BioData.pt's mission is to support the organisation and valorisation of biological data generated by research, clinical, and industrial activities in Portugal, through informatics, bioinformatics, and data management resources.
Our Vision
BioData.pt supports the transformation of Portugal in a country with the ability to conduct research and innovation with large volumes of biological data. Portuguese organisations will be capable of translating these data into innovation for new research, products and services.
Our values
- Trust: we respect and protect your data
- Collaboration: we work in partnership
- Excellence: we have an internationally recognized team of experts
- Innovation: we support the translation of knowledge into new services and products
Our Story

Administration Council
Board of the General Assembly
Fiscal Council
Scientific Advisory Board
Management Unit
Contact Us
Social HQ
Associação BIP4DAB
Rua da Quinta Grande, 6
2780-156 Oeiras
Management Unit Lisbon
INESC-ID, Room 401
Rua Alves Redol, 9
1000-029 Lisboa
Management Unit Braga
CEB UMinho
Campus de Gualtar
Rua da Universidade
4710-057 Braga
Braga, Portugal