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The YEASTRACT+ Portal is Released!
The YEASTRACT+ information system is a wide-scope computational tool for the analysis and prediction of transcription regulatory associations at the gene and genomic levels in 10 yeast species of biotechnological or human health relevance.
Pedro Barros from BioData Plants Community will present IGC seminar tomorrow - September 25th, 4PM (Ionians Auditorium)
Close to the Coark Oak DB Portal launching by, one of the researchers from Plants Community - Pedro Barros from ITQB - will present a seminar at IGC: "Fear the unknown functions and mild phenotypes: a cork oak serine-rich protein regulates vegetative development in Arabidopsis" Abstract
From left to right: Élio Sucena (IGC), Jorge Vieira (IBMC), Arlindo Oliveira (IST), Isabel Rocha (UNL), Pedro Cruz (IBET), Rogério Gaspar (FFUL), Ulrike Wittig (Heidelberg Univ.), Mário Gaspar Silva (INESC-ID)
Creating value from Data Management
For the first time in Portugal gathered for the event “Ready for Data Management - Creating value from Data Management” five of the top heads of Bioinformatics in Portugal: Arlindo Oliveira (IST), Cláudio Sunkel (replaced at the last minute by Jorge Vieira, both from IBMC), Élio Sucena
Photo of the Ready for BioData Management? July 2 @ the IGC
Filipe Lopes (IHMT) @ Ready for BioData Management?
On July 2nd we got together for a hands-on experience in Data Management Plans (DMP). The event started with some presentations and then participants had the chance of putting their heads together to create a DMP for a project. During lunch we went around to ask participants their opinions about
Photo of the Ready for BioData Management? July 2 @ the IGC
Inês Chaves (iBET) @ Ready for BioData Management?
On July 2nd we got together for a hands-on experience in Data Management Plans (DMP). The event started with some presentations and then participants had the chance of putting their heads together to create a DMP for a project. During lunch we went around to ask participants their opinions about
Photo of the Ready for BioData Management? July 2 @ the IGC
João Dias, Nádia Duarte (IGC) @ Ready for BioData Management?
On July 2nd we got together for a hands-on experience in Data Management Plans (DMP). The event started with some presentations and then participants had the chance of putting their heads together to create a DMP for a project. During lunch we went around to ask participants their opinions about
Photo of the Ready for BioData Management? July 2 @ the IGC
Sandra Silva (iBB-IST) @ Ready for BioData Management?
On July 2nd we got together for a hands-on experience in Data Management Plans (DMP). The event started with some presentations and then participants had the chance of putting their heads together to create a DMP for a project. During lunch we went around to ask participants their opinions about
Photo of the Ready for BioData Management? July 2 @ the IGC
Laura Ward, João Bauto, Hugo Cachitas (Champalimaud) @ Ready for BioData Management
We talked to Laura Ward, João Bauto and Hugo Cachitas from the Champalimaud Foundation, about the perspective from software platforms, long-term usability and the difference between human and animal data. We talked to Laura Ward, João Bauto and Hugo Cachitas from the Champalimaud Foundation, about
Big data art
Planning the future of using the VCW
The team will meet next Monday, July 1st, to share a common vision for and address its major challenges.
Photo of the Ready for BioData Management? July 2 @ the IGC
Ready 4 BioData Management - Invited Speakers
Some biographic notes about the invited speakers of the Ready for BioData Management.
Bruno Costa at All Hands Meeting 2019
Bruno Costa, a researcher was a poster award winner at All Hands #Elixir19 Meeting, this week in Lisbon
This Poster showcases PHENO ( the Portuguese implementation of BrAPI, which is dedicated to woody plants. PHENO was developed within the scope of the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE - Plant Comunity and plants working group.
João Cardoso and his poster "An Ontology for the DMP Common Standard Model"
An Ontology for the DMP Common Standard Mode
Cardoso from presented at All Hands Elixir 2019 (Lisbon 17-20 June) the poster: An Ontology for the DMP Common Standard Mode