If your work has received financial support (e.g. grant funding, event sponsorship) or other support (e.g. in-kind contribution, use of the infrastructure and its many services) linked to BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal, you need to visibly acknowledge our contribution so it can be tracked and reported.
In written work, you may use the following statements:
- This work was supported [or funded] by BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal, the national research infrastructure for life and health data.
- This work was supported [or funded] by BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal, the national research infrastructure for life and health data and benefited from the network in Community [insert community name].
- This work was supported by BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal, the national research infrastructure for life and health data and used [insert service name].
- This work was supported by BioData.pt | ELIXIR Portugal, the national research infrastructure for life and health data and has received funding from [Grant / Project Programme/ ELIXIR Commissioned Service / ELIXIR Implementation Study / ELIXIR Travel Grant / ELIXIR Staff Exchange/ ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe], under grant agreement No [insert grant no.].