Hosted by's Plant Sciences Community on the afternoon of November 12th, 2019, the Plant Phenotyping-Genotyping Data Management Workshop started with a keynote address by invited speaker Dr. Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon, in front of an almost full auditorium at the ITQB, which presented the extensive work of ELIXIR's Plant Sciences Community to enable plant phenotyping-genotyping data management.
This was followed by an in-depth overview of MIAPPE 1.1 by Daniel Faria, and then by an overview of ELIXIR's Plant Data Search Service by Bruno Costa.
After a short coffee break, the workshop moved to a computer classroom for an innovative hands-on MIAPPE dataset submission exercise prepared by Daniel Faria, Evangelia Papoutsoglou (ELIXIR-NL) and Marta Silva. The registered participants, which filled the room to capacity, were paired and asked to fill-in a purposefully developed MIAPPE printed form with the information from a mock dataset created for the exercise, while using the computers to consult the MIAPPE checklist and look-up Crop Ontology terms when needed. This style of exercise is engaging and promotes discussion between participants, as was evidenced on this occasion. Several instructors were available to assist and discuss with the participants, including keynote speaker Anne-Françoise Adam-Blondon, Daniel Faria, Célia Miguel, Inês Chaves, Bruno Costa and Marta Silva. All participants found the exercise productive and most were relatively comfortable with the MIAPPE standard afterwards.
The training materials are available online at's GitHub.