Tomorrow starts the third and last day of the “12ª Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Ciência Aberta”!
Open science is the argument for this year’s conference and we could not be delighted to say that was there! Ana Portugal Melo, our Executive Director, was the moderator of yesterday’s "Pecha Kucha I". A session that had as its central theme: data management implementation in research organisations and companies.
If you wish, you can know more about the full conference here. Applications are closed, however workshops are being recorded and will be shared on ConfOA’s social media (Facebook and Twitter), at the end of the conference. If you are interested, do not hesitate to follow them for more information!
This hybrid conference was organised by Universidade do Minho, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. To whom we would like to thank for the invite.