The ELIXIR Plant Sciences Community recently published in the New Phytologist journal an article detailing the MIAPPE (Minimum Information About a Plant Phenotyping Experiment) 1.1 update.
Despite what its numbering might suggest, this update marks a substantial improvement over the first version of MIAPPE, with the addition of an explicit data model and revisions to improve clarity and organization, as well as encodings in OWL and ISA-Tab, and a mapping to BrAPI.
MIAPPE 1.1 therefore represents the cutting edge of FAIR data for plant phenotyping and marks a major achievement for the Plant Sciences Community.
It is also a major achievement for the Portuguese Node, which co-lead the Plant Sciences Community and the development of MIAPPE 1.1 through Célia Miguel, and had in Daniel Faria, Inês Chaves and Bruno Costa major contributors to this development.