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“Assessing the Impact of Research Activities”: a workshop to learn the first steps in assessing the impact of activities

Impact Assessment, the Portuguese Node of ELIXIR, is organizing a pilot test of the “Assessing the Impact of Research Activities” workshop to refine a capacity building action that will enable researchers to assess the impact of their activities. It was organized in the frame of the “Empowering ELIXIR Nodes to measure and communicate their performance and impact” Staff Exchange project and the H2020 ELIXIR-CONVERGE project and counts with the collaboration of ELIXIR - Greece.

This is an online one-day workshop (10h00 - 15h30) featuring lectures on scientific and socio-economic impact, followed by a hands-on impact assessment exercise.

This workshop should be replicated to assess the activities of If your organization needs help with this respect, do not hesitate in contacting us. If you are curious or an expert and would like to engage with us, register at and start a fruitful discussion. 

Save the date!

- October 1st

- 10 am to 3:30 pm WEST 
