New Paper: Vitamin D‑related polymorphisms and vitamin D levels as risk biomarkers of COVID‑19 disease severity

New Article! Vitamin D-related polymorphisms and vitamin D levels as risk biomarkers of COVID-19 disease severity by Freitas et al.

Did you know that patients with vitamin D deficiency might have a severe response to COVID-19 disease?

And, that the Portuguese population has a higher predisposition to vitamin D deficiency when compared with the European population?

These are some of the findings that can now be read in the paper “Vitamin D‑related polymorphisms and vitamin D levels as risk biomarkers of COVID‑19 disease severity”,  co-authored by Ana Teresa Freitas, CEO of HeartGenetics and President of General Assembly, published in Scientific Reports magazine.

The VitaCov project, co-led by the Centro Cardiovascular da Universidade de Lisboa and HeartGenetics counted with the participation of other health and research organizations, including, that contributed with the electronic case report form (eCRF) and collaborated in data analysis.

It was truly an honor for participating  in such an outstanding project! Congratulations to all researchers and organisations involved!

If you are curious, read the full article here: