The Technical meeting of the ELIXIR Portuguese Node-, took place on the past 20thof February in Braga, next to the Bioinformatics Open Days (BOD) event, with 28 participants from the node partners:
- Univ. Minho from - Braga;
- Fundação Champalimaud – Lisboa;
- IST-ID – Lisbon;
- CCMAR – Algarve;
- ITQB – Oeiras;
- IBET – Oeiras;
- IGC – Oeiras;
- IBMC – Porto;
- P-Bio – Cantanhede;
- INESC ID – Lisboa
This meeting allowed the Portuguese partners to discuss deliverables and milestones related to methodologies and advanced data analysis tools developed since the last meeting.
Some of ELIXIR PT Services were pooled during the meeting, including:
- the CorkOakDB portal, which compiles and enables the visualization of genomic data management about cork oak (Quercus suber)
- Yeastract development update and improved tools to use a database structure to support multi species/strains for db integration.
At the end of the meeting, joint actions were undertaken to define a common strategy towards sustainability of the Portuguese biological data infrastructure. Joint future actions will contribute to ensuring benefits for society, promoting research and transfer of knowledge to industries and research labs, through the improvement of management tools and advanced data analysis.