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4th Technical Meeting of

The 4th Technical Meeting of took place on the 14th of January, at i3S, Porto, and was attended by 35 members.

The works started by the presentation and discussion of the annual report, and the report of the SAB assessment of, carried out in May 2019. In addition, the priorities elected by the General Assembly meeting that took place the day before were brought to the discussion.

Participatory sessions focused on the role may assume regarding data management at the national level and the future of active communities and platforms followed in the agenda of the day.

There was consensus regarding the need to prioritize data management as a key area of contribution of to the national scientific system. This effort is already under progress via the Ready for BioData Management? capacity building program for the life sciences and the efforts put in place to collaborate with the RDA Portugal, represented in this meeting by Cristina Ribeiro from FEUP. The goal of bringing Ready for BioData Management? activities at the national level should be pursued.

Communities and Platforms identified internal and external communication critical to enhance collaboration among team members and visibility of activities and services to users. In addition, it was emphasized the importance to focus on providing clear services and to bring the Industry closer to services. Furthermore, the Industry activities of should be transversal to communities and platforms.

The need to attract funding to retain talent and continue's mission was also identified by the participants.