Skip to main content and IGC (GTPB) run a pilot experiment in training and the Gulbenkian Training Program in Bioinformatics (GTPB) have completed a four day long training experiment. The objectives were 1) to test new training material on programming in Python 3.7; 2) To deliver the content in a flipped-classroom environment.
The course material has been developed by David P. Judge, a long term collaborator of GTPB. 14 invited participants, most of them form IGC, have provided valuable feedback on the material itself, and on the delivery method. Flipped classroom consists of using classroom time for discussions and providing the learning materials upfront, so that they can be explored at leisure by the learners, at their own pace.
Several possibilities of deriving training from the experiment are being considered, encompassing distance learning, e-learning, a more moderately paced flipped classroom and face-to-face. The feedback collected by this experiment is very valuable to guide the design of these other training offerings and their planning for the near future.

Pedro Fernandes, Training Coordinator