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2nd Technical Meeting – 20th Feb, Univ. Minho, Braga

2nd Technical Meeting

On Wednesday (20thFeb.), took place the second Technical Meeting with 30 participants representing all the Work Groups. This meeting allowed the participants to share some concrete examples of the main deliverables and milestones related to methodologies and tools of management and data advanced analysis, developed in the past few months.

After some profit discussion the consortium also undertook some joint actions to implement a common strategy towards the infrastructure sustainability and common future actions, ensuring benefits for society, promoting research and transfer of knowledge to industries and research labs, through the improvement of management tools and advanced data analysis.

The participants of this meeting represented the following partners:

  • Univ. Minho from - Braga;
  • Fundação Champalimaud – Lisbon;
  • IST-ID – Lisbon;
  • CCMAR – Algarve;
  • ITQB – Oeiras;
  • IBET – Oeiras;
  • IGC – Oeiras;
  • IBMC – Porto;
  • P-Bio – Cantanhede;
  • INESC ID – Lisbon;
  • IBB - Lisbon