Adding a new Tool/Repository

  Heads up! Please read these guidelines and ensure you understand them before submitting a new tool or repository to our public directory.

Thank you for helping maintain the online Tools and Repositories directories! Please read this guide through before contributing in order to simplify the process for everyone. After you've read and understood these guidelines, you can follow the link to the new tool/repository platform at the end of this page.

After your request is approved, you will find your tool/repository online at either our Tools or our Repositories pages.

A few general tips for filling in the form:

  • Fill in as much information about your tool/repository as you can
  • If you're unsure what to type in a specific field, or you think the field doesn't apply to your specific tool/repository, please leave it blank.
  • In the "Image" field, upload an image which you think is representative of your tool/platform. If it has a logo or icon, use that, otherwise take a screenshot of it or of one of its outputs and load that.
  • The "Slug" is meant to be filled in with a short identifier of your tool/platform. This is mostly used for the URL of your tool, as it will become available at either or Use alphanumerical characters (A-z, 0-9) and dashes (-), accented letters (e.g. À, ç) or spaces ( ) are not allowed. Underscores (_) are allowed, but are not incentivised, please prefer dashes in those cases.


Read and understood these guidelines? Great! Proceed at will...

Submit new tool